InfoTech Solutions for Business

Cyber Security Checklist
InfoTech Solutions Design Team / Nov 11, 2015

How safe is your personal information? Make sure you protect your data against cyber threats. Learn how to stay safe.

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1. Do you have a trustworthy IT vendor?

Always investigate your vendor’s reputation. You want to make sure the company is firmly established and has valid references.

2. Is your security software up-to-date?

Just as your car is in need for regular oil changes so is your software. Updating your software to the newest operating system is imperative, as it is generally the safest to use. You can also increase the security of your older equipment by installing patches provided by the company.

3. Have you ran a recent penetration test?

A penetration test is the attempt to attack your own IT systems in the same way a hacker would in order to identify security holes. Security breaches can be detrimental to your business so we recommend you perform penetration tests on a regular basis.

4. Is your data backed up to the cloud and physically to a hard drive?

Your data should always be backed up to two places. In case your hard drive ever crashes you will be covered if your data is also backed up to the cloud.

5. Have you changed your WiFi password recently?

To improve the security of your Wi-Fi network, you should change the administrative password on your wireless access point or router immediately. The default passwords for popular models of wireless network gear are well-known to hackers and are often posted on the Internet. To maintain home network security for the long term continue changing this administrative password periodically. Many experts recommend changing Wi-Fi passwords every 30 to 90 days.

6. Is your security policy or risk assessment policy up-to-date?

Few workplaces stay the same. Sooner or later you will bring in new equipment, substances and procedures that could lead to new hazards. Because of this, it makes sense to review your security policies and risk assessment policies on an ongoing basis.

7. Do you use strong passwords or password vault/generators for your accounts?

Strong passwords are essential to protect you from identity theft. People use the same one or two passwords to log in to email accounts, social networking sites, bank accounts and credit card accounts. Even worse, many people use very poor password combinations such as the word “password,” their name and their birthday, to just name a few. To secure your private information your password should be longer than eight characters and include at least one capital letter, lowercase letter, number and symbol. To keep track of all your login information with all your different passwords it is recommended to use a password vault/generator that generates strong passwords and stores them locally on your device.

8. Do you use 2-step verification synced to your mobile number for your account logins?

Using 2-step verification enhances security for your account by adding an extra step to the authentication process. When you login to your account, 2-step verification first asks you for your password, then provides you with a verification code that is generated for the initial login and sent to your mobile that is synced to the account. This will ensure that if your password is exposed to attackers you can still protect your account.


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