Preventative Maintenance
As the name implies, preventative maintenance refers to performing proactive tasks in order to prevent system problems. Over the years, InfoTech has developed a detailed preventative PC maintenance plan for our customers. The plan includes climate-environment control, hardware diagnostics, firmware and software updates, and virus and malware scans. For example, excess heat can accelerate the deterioration of the delicate circuits in computers. The most common causes of overheating are dust and dirt. Clogged vents and CPU cooling fans can keep heat-dissipating air from moving through the case and can raise the temperature of the PC’s components. An overheated system doesn’t perform at its best capacity; therefore, InfoTech’s technicians take any necessary measures to keep your system clean, inside and out.

How Does Preventative Maintenance Work?
Running diagnostics periodically is part of InfoTech’s preventative maintenance plan to correct an existing problem. A badly fragmented hard drive will bring even a top-of-the-line new computer to a grinding halt. Our technicians use tools that are built into the computer’s operating system, as well as third-party solutions, to identify a failing component in time. Updates, service packs and patches for various software applications and operating systems are released almost on a daily basis. As part of our service, InfoTech pretests and installs these updates to make certain that your systems are always up-to-date, ensuring maximum system security and availability.

Why Choose InfoTech for Preventative Maintenance?
InfoTech’s preventative maintenance schedule is carefully planned and put into effect so our customers never have to worry about PC failure, thus minimizing disruption of their daily activities.
When it comes to anti-virus protection, InfoTech utilizes security best practices to prevent most attacks. Maintaining a desktop anti-virus application, along with updating and scanning periodically, is part of our technicians’ daily routine. In addition to keeping computers fully protected, we continuously inform our customers about possible threats and necessary precautions, such as never opening advertisements, spam or emails if they have odd subjects or executable attachments.