Secure Discovery (SD)
One of the premier security products developed by InfoTech is Secure Discovery. Successfully developed over a four year period (2007-2011), the security and compliance product for SPAWAR and the U.S. Navy, garnered a grade of “exceptional” by the U.S. Navy.
Secure Discovery is a security layer built on top of UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and Integration) specification for services discovery that augments the security model to be compatible with the Intelligence Community SOA Security Reference Architecture, maintains the interface and behavior specifications of UDDI standard and it is an industry standards-based solution.
Secure Discovery is a customized solution to answer the lack of a...
Flight Analysis Simulation Tool (FAST)

Flight Analysis Simulation Tool (FAST)
For Raytheon Missiles Systems and U.S. Air Force. Flight Analysis Simulation Tool (FAST) is an application that provides analysis support for the data recorded by the High Speed Anti-radiation Missile’s (HARM) Captive Flight Data Recorder (CFDR) unit and for the telemetry data captured by the telemetry section of the missile and recorded in Time-Data Matrix (TDM) files.

What was the challenge?
InfoTech was approached by Raytheon Missile Systems and U.S. Air Force...
Trusted Authorization Policy Engine (TAPE)

Trusted Authorization Policy Engine (TAPE)
For Planning Systems Inc. (PSI), acquired by QinetiQ USA in 2006. Trusted Authorization Policy Engine (TAPE) is a modern authorization service that provides attribute based access control (ABAC) decisions for user access to resources within a network domain that it protects. Decisions are based on attributes of subjects, resources, environments and standardized access policies. TAPE’s feature set includes:

Metcast Channels Data Distribution System

Metcast Channels Data Distribution System
For Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC). Metcast was an existing publish / subscription information distribution system for any form of arbitrary data (i.e. satellite images, sensor data, weather information, military logistic data, etc).

What was the challenge?
InfoTech was approached by FNMOC to help the US Navy improve access to its existing Metcast Channels Data Distribution subscription system. The existing Metcast system was an issue for the Navy, because access...