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About InfoTech

InfoTech is a software house and system integrator headquartered in Manhattan NYC and has several locations in the U.S. including North Dakota. We specialize in a variety of business practices and software products in a variety of market segments/verticals in the United States.

Our Professional Talent Pool

One of InfoTech’s key strengths is the ability to offer a wide-ranging pool of talented professionals to implement and execute IT projects from a small-scale all the way up to large contracts.

Our Key Factors of Success

While many technology companies see themselves as client-driven, the uniqueness of InfoTech is we approach business and technology as client-driving. This philosophy of consistently pursuing new technologies and their implementation, to ensure maximum efficiency in our clients’ operations.

Why Choose InfoTech for your Needs

We have been serving an extremely demanding IT market of high profile clients, including the U.S. Navy, top financial institutions, top media companies and hundreds of small to mid-size companies. InfoTech is the go-to address where companies find and implement technology solutions.


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