Blog Archives

Research Database with Market Data Providers Integration


Research Database with Market Data Providers Integration

RPAS’s core database has been designed with extensibility in mind to allow for seamless integration with external databases as well as allowing market data integration.
Research Database with Market Data Providers Integration

RPAS database integrates with many of the primary market data providers such as:

Thomson Reuters

The database maintains everything from market data, fundamental data and analytical data...

Compliance Charting System


Compliance Charting System

The Compliance Charting System is a service application that creates the disclosure price charts required under NASD Rule 2711.

Compliance Charting



Flexible Branding

The system creates compliance charts configured to present the detail required under the rule in a form that meets individual company branding needs. This means that the compliance charts show coverage assignment, rating and price target changes relevant to publication dates and then current price values,...

REITs Reporting


REITs Reporting

REITs Reporting is a web-based application that assists financial analysts in their quest for consolidated real estate research information.

REITs Reporting



Auto-Match Company Names

The system’s built-in auto-matching logic matches companies across several data source providers even if the company names are not consistent. The auto-matching logic enables data merging and provides the user a complete view of each company’s holdings.

Research Contact Management


Research Contact Management

The Research Contact Management is an application that allows you to manage contacts, target distribution of research to those contacts and track and reduce distribution costs.

Research Contact Management



Full Featured Contact Management

The system allows you to maintain all the contact details, manage and track communications with your contacts and set up alerts for contacting them.

Research Spotlight


Research Spotlight

InfoTech’s Research Spotlight is a dynamic, content-driven web application deployable to sales desk and other information consumers at financial institutions. The application ensures the workforce has access to information driving investment decisions and published through the organization outlets as quickly as possible within release timeframes allowed by regulatory policy.

Research Spotlight



RPAS Integration

The application integrates directly with the Research Publishing Automation System (RPAS) for access to research products and...

Quiet Period Monitoring And Management System


Quiet Period Monitoring And Management System

The Quiet Period Monitoring and Management System provides oversight and management capabilities for companies subject to regulation regarding the allowable time periods around public offerings when financial research products can be published. The system provides the abilities to assign quiet periods to specific issuers and to link those assignments to the research coverage universe and covering analyst teams. The capabilities offered by the system also provide for various attribute-based reporting options and full integration with document workflow systems to ensure that research production is appropriately controlled in association with quiet period lockouts.

DDRS, Document Distribution & Repository System


DDRS (Document Distribution & Repository System)

InfoTech’s DDRS (Document Distribution & Repository System) is a highly robust and scalable email distribution system that allows an organization to de-centralize the task of email distribution of research to sales and analysts workforces as opposed to the customary inefficient centralized approach of having one single department handling the email distribution. The DDRS system integrates with Microsoft Outlook to provide an intuitive easy to use solution for sending email broadcasts. DDRS is hosted at InfoTech’s data center.

DDRS: Outlook Form

Certification Publishing Automation System (CPAS)


CPAS (Certification Publishing Automation System)

CPAS (Certification Publishing Automation System) is a unique robust tool that streamlines and automates the compliance process for publishing certification of financial products. CPAS enables companies to comply with the increasingly rigid SEC compliance regulations. CPAS combines Microsoft Word automation, workflow management and compliance regulatory features in an intuitive easy to use application.




Flexible Attribute Management

Powerful administration module for creating and managing user-defined...




The RPAS Lite edition is a self-contained RPAS solution hosted by InfoTech as a SaaS. It is designed for deployment at organizations where platform integration is not required. RPAS Lite is recommended for smaller financial research departments and organizations. RPAS Lite is a fully web-based platform, relying on a browser and internet connectivity. Microsoft Word is not required.




Company Note Authoring

Morning notes are among the most time-sensitive...

Stock Distribution Tracking System


Stock Distribution Tracking System

The Stock Distribution Tracking System is an internal and client facing system that provides broker-dealers with a consolidated platform for managing and tracking stock distributions as well as providing live progress reporting for their venture capital clients.

Stock Distribution Tracking System



Data Access

Provides easy-to-access reporting interface on stock distribution processing to venture capital client firms

InfoTech’s Mobile Research Library Network (iMRLN)


InfoTech's Mobile Research Library Network (iMRLN)

iMRLN(InfoTech's Mobile Research Library Network) is a mobile device delivery platform that provides authorized consumers of your firm’s research products quick and manageable access to research matter in their immediate areas of interest. iMRLN delivers the flexibility and immediacy of content access to mobile users who rely on the ability to work outside the constraints of a “wired” work environment. iMRLN can be deployed at your organization as a stand-alone application, or as an add-on to the Research Publishing Automation System, which can distribute your research documents to iMRLN. Authorized users gain access to the most recent research available as well as publications released...

Financial Research Web Services


Financial Research Web Services for RPAS

InfoTech’s Financial Research Web Services for RPAS extend the usability of RPAS by providing a state in which consumer applications request and obtain delivery of research and related metadata maintained in an RPAS Research database using a set of web services. The Research Web Service eliminates the need to manage direct access to the database by many consumers, the universe of which change over time with a typical organization, and provide a standardized set of data request methods that can be accessed by current and future consumers.

Research Web Services

Document Archive


Document Archive

RPAS’s Document Archive provides an archiving tool for users to quickly and easily access all published research products. Users can search based on a comprehensive list of attributes including company ticker, industry, sector and author.

For each publication, the tool provides a full log of information as to where each product has been distributed, when and by whom.

Research Document Repository Archieve

Institutional And Retail Readership Module


Institutional and Retail Readership Module

Institutional and Retail Readership is another feature of RPAS’s Research Distribution System. This module manages the full cycle of research document fulfillment and distribution. It enables effective distribution management of printed media including a full range of alternative media, such as fax, e-mail, PDF, HTML, XML, RIXML, IRML, and more. The system provides efficient fulfillment and distribution management capabilities for firms that produce multiple products for clients who exist on separate distribution lists.

Institutional and Retail Readership Distribution Module: Job Order

Research Aggregator Distribution Module


Research Aggregator Distribution Module

The Research Aggregator Distribution Module is one of the features of RPAS’s Research Distribution System. It is an integrated solution that automates the otherwise time consuming and frequently error-prone processes of formatting and posting research documents to various third party consolidators with the push of a button.

Research Aggregator Distribution Module

Compliance System


Compliance System

The Compliance System is a module in RPAS that provides automation for ensuring that documents produced by RPAS comply with SEC regulations governing research publications before they are printed and distributed to the public.

Compliance System


Automatically performs the SEC-mandated compliance functions of system safeguards, backup procedures, disaster recovery, resumption of operations and record-keeping

Document Monitor System


Document Monitor System

The RPAS Document Monitor System provides the production group the ability to easily monitor which documents are available for reviewing and editing and in what stage of the workflow process.

Document Monitor System


The Document Monitor System also verifies and enforces that the documents properly comply with all required compliance rules prior to release and distribution. For each document, the user can:

Coverage Universe Report Automation Module


Coverage Universe Report Automation Module

The InfoTech Coverage Universe Report module interacts with corporate information and market data resources to automate the consolidation and formatting of raw data into informative and easily readable reports.

Coverage Universe Report Automation Module


Easy-to-use wizard to automatically retrieve coverage universe data in a standard corporate format

Meeting Packet Automation Module


Meeting Packet Automation Module

The Meeting Packet Module uses reports created by the Research Note module to automate the creation of a comprehensive research product / packet that may include a table of contents, summary sheets, complete notes and other defined reports.

The Meeting Packet Automation Module offers the same features as the Research Note module with the addition of intuitive administrative interfaces to select existing Research Notes for inclusion in Compendium Packets.

Meeting Packet Automation Module

Research Note Automation Module


Research Note Automation Module

Research Notes (such as Company notes or Industry notes) are the most time-sensitive of research publications produced by financial institutions. Research departments need a quick and easy way to create and distribute these reports. The Research Note Automation module allows research analysts and associates to leverage corporate databases to easily author and submit notes for publication and distribution.

RPAS integrates with Microsoft Word to automate the creation of documents based templates that are uniquely built to match each organization’s branding requirements. This provides quick data population as well as complete preservation of corporate branding.

Analyst Model Toolkit Module


Analyst Model Toolkit Module

Much of the information that goes into a research document comes from a research analyst’s model. InfoTech’s Analyst Model Toolkit is the most effective and reliable means of transferring information between the analyst model and the research document. When a research analyst researches a company’s current value and projects its future value, that analyst does the bulk of work using a financial model – usually an Excel workbook comprised of numerous interdependent worksheets. The information in the model is important to the investor; the easier and less error-prone the method for getting information from the financial model to the research...


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